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Category Archives: Real Estate


What Are Mortgage Loans Made Of?

By Cavallo & Cavallo |

Did you know that, when buying a house, you can save a lot of money by working with a real estate lawyer instead of a real estate agent?  A recent lawsuit settlement involving the National Association of Realtors shows just how badly the system of real estate transactions is rigged against consumers.  Buying a… Read More »

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Are This Year’s Home Purchase Tax Credits Enough to Make Home Ownership Affordable in New York?

By Cavallo & Cavallo |

New York City has always been notoriously expensive.  In the 1990s, you could buy a corned beef sandwich for just over four dollars at a New York style deli in the suburbs of Miami, and it would come with a plate of French fries fresh out of the fryer, plus never-ending half dill pickles… Read More »

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Real Estate Purchases by LLCs

By Cavallo & Cavallo |

While commuting to work on the subway, you may have once passed the time by reading a longform news story about one or another shady character who managed to conceal his money laundering, his extramarital affairs, or worse by titling much of his property, including real estate properties, in the names of limited liability… Read More »

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The Role of Short-Term Real Estate Loans in Today’s Real Estate Market

By Cavallo & Cavallo |

If you own a house, you probably think you know how the real estate world works.  You gather enough money to place a down payment and keep up with your bills so that your credit score is high enough for you to qualify for a home mortgage, and then you make an offer to… Read More »

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Real Estate Disclosures by Sellers Prior to Sale

By Cavallo & Cavallo |

Buying a real estate property is a rollercoaster ride of hopes and disappointments.  You find a listing for your dream home, but when your real estate agent contacts the seller about it, you find out that it is already under contract.  You find one that is still available, and you make an offer but… Read More »

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Adverse Possession Dos and Don’ts

By Cavallo & Cavallo |

Somewhere in one of the five boroughs, there is a vacant lot next to some warehouses, or at least there used to be when you were a kid.  When your uncle would drive past it with you, he would say that the lot belongs to him, and one day he is going to build… Read More »

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Will the National Association of Realtors Settlement Be a Relief to Homeowners, or Just Another Financial Burden?

By Cavallo & Cavallo |

Everyone knows that buying and selling a house usually turns out to be much more expensive than you expected when you first got emotionally attached to a house that you saw listed on Zillow and contacted a real estate agent about it.  Throughout your conversations with loan officers and real estate agents, it seems… Read More »

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What’s Going on With CLOs and the Commercial Real Estate Market?

By Cavallo & Cavallo |

Investing in commercial real estate requires you to make long-term plans that depend on factors which, at the time you make your plans, are virtually unknowable.  Case in point, all of those people who invested in shared office space in 2019 had no idea that, in a year’s time, remote work would be the… Read More »

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Are Multigenerational Households the New American Dream?

By Cavallo & Cavallo |

Homeownership is becoming more unaffordable by the day.  Between the high interest rates and the uncertainty about buyers having to pay real estate agents’ commissions instead of sellers taking responsibility for all the commissions, it is no wonder that most Americans who have never owned a house or condominium despair of ever being able… Read More »

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Can Affordable Housing Be Affordable for Landlords, Too?

By Cavallo & Cavallo |

In their worst moments, current landlords and aspiring real estate investors sound like supervillains in a movie where the protagonist’s goal is to stop a run-down New York City tenement building, the only home he has ever known, from being destroyed to make room for a Pilates studio and a dog park.  If you… Read More »

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