Tips From Our Estate Planning Attorney Regarding The Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has the entire country on edge. New York City has been hit particularly hard, with the highest number of cases in the nation. The potentially deadly effects of the disease and the increasingly dire nature of the situation have prompted many to consider what would happen in a worst case scenario. During these difficult times, Cavallo and Cavallo is here to help answer your questions and address your needs. The following are a few tips from our estate planning attorneys on ways to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Six Steps To Protect Yourself And Your Loved Ones
On March 30, 2020, the New York Times reported that a Navy medical ship had docked in Manhattan with the purpose of helping overburdened hospitals deal with coronavirus patients. The city is facing a crisis of catastrophic proportions, as thousands become sickened and hundreds more die as a result of COVID-19 each day.
At a time like this, the thoughts of most people tend to turn to their family members. If you have not already done so, now is the time to ensure they are protected. Efforts you can take while still staying home and adhering to social distancing guidelines include:
- Identify vulnerable loved ones.
While recent news stories on the coronavirus show how people of all ages can be affected, older adults, people with chronic medical conditions, and those with compromised immune systems are still at higher risk. Identify which of your loved ones might fall into this group. Check in with them regularly, make sure they are staying home, and do what you can to ensure they have the supplies they need.
- Get medical information from family members.
In regards to older children, siblings, parents, or close friends, now is the time to make sure you have all their medical information. Make a list of health insurance policy numbers, past medical conditions, and medications they may be taking.
- Gather important documents.
Gather important documents, such as your will, life insurance certificates, titles to property, bank account statements, and information on debts. Keep all of these in a file and let trusted loved ones know where it is located. Encourage them to do the same.
- Make arrangements for those who count on you.
Many of us have young children or others who rely on us for care and financial support. Make arrangements to ensure they are provided for in the event you become ill.
- Make others familiar with your wishes regarding end of life care.
New York advance directives detail your desires regarding medical and end of life care, in the event you are not able to communicate them yourself. Make your family members familiar with your wishes.
Contact an Attorney Today for Help
At Cavallo & Cavallo, we are here to help you get your affairs in order and address the various personal issues raised by the coronavirus. Contact our Bronx & Westchester estate planning attorneys to discuss your situation today.